Tuesday, September 23, 2014



James Harrison, one of the most feared NFL linebackers of all time retired last year at the age of 36, which is very old for an NFL player. Not surprising for many people he signed back on to his former team the Pittsburgh Steelers this Tuesday. One of the big reasons he quit in the first place was the constant fines he was getting thrown in his face by Rodger Godell. Last year he had a total of 5 fines while playing on the Cincinnati Bengals. When he signed to the Bengals last year many people were shocked that he would leave his faithful Steelers team that he played on for 9 years. He told media that he signed to the Bengals for money reasons which is a common tendency in the modern NFL, wherever the money is that's where the players are. But back to the point at hand, he tweeted an instagram picture today of him signing a contract to get back on the Steelers which many steelers fans are thrilled about. 4 of the 5 fines he was given last year were all helmet to helmet contact penalties, which was a new rule installed a few years ago to try to limit concussions. He argued that "football is football and when you play the sport you are taking the risk of getting a concussion" which is a fair arguement.

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